iSeatz News & Insights

Beware Shiny Objects: Using Research to Discern Innovation from Trends

Written by Danielle Matherne | Oct 31, 2024 1:45:00 PM

If diamonds are a girl’s best friend, then new features are certainly that for products. Shiny, potentially large, and–evenly more potentially–expensive, at iSeatz, we frequently field feedback from our internal and external stakeholders about the hot topics that have flooded the LinkedIn feeds. 

By no means do we want to dissuade the pursuit of technological gems. Quite the opposite! Few opportunities are as fun and challenging as the mining of innovations, especially for Product Designers. We love to dig deep into user problems, craft solutions to perfection, and make a dent in industry table stakes. We are equally passionate about doing so strategically and responsibly. How do we marry our love for new features with our discernment of telling glitter from gold? We use our research skills to gain insights from our favorite experts–our fellow iSeatizens.

If you have been at any tech company long enough, you have most likely experienced a similar tale: someone comes in with an idea, whether inspired by a conference, a client, or the competition, and it is the XYZ feature, “They talked about/the client asked if we could/other companies are…”

And more often than not, the company becomes enamored with the luster of this potential feature. If it is being touted on the conference circuit, name-dropped by clients, or the competition is doing it, it must be an innovation worth pursuing and not a flash-in-the-pan trend, right? Steve Jobs famously once said, “Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things,” but how can you say “no” if the pressure is mounting from clients or the market is on rocketship adoption?

At iSeatz, we use a phrase other than “no.” We prefer the improv darling, “Yes, and…” We do that by utilizing research and our department experts to assess each idea that comes our way. So, with your research in hand and Slack at the ready, ask yourself (and your colleagues) the following:

Tap your UX research and Product Managers and ask, “Does this feature potentially solve a user problem?” If it does not, it may be a solution in search of a problem. The reality is that user problems are not always the priority driver for innovation. However, to make a lasting impact on your product, starting with your users is crucial. It is key to our success here at iSeatz. If the feature does not solve a problem, consider putting it in the “Shiny Object” backlog and revisiting it at another time since it could be only a trend.

In a similar theme, ask your Commercial or Sales teams, “Could the feature have a strategic impact on our clients?” Solving a user problem is a step in the right direction, but you have to factor in your client’s goals (and who better to have that knowledge than your Commercial team). When we work on our platform here at iSeatz, we prioritize our features based on client impact. If the feature can help our clients achieve their business objectives by improving the product for their users, then we have something worth digging further for. If it does not align with our own or our clients' strategies, we send it to the “Shiny Object” backlog, so we can keep an eye on it for future potential.

Lastly, and most importantly, talk to your Engineering and Technology people. Start by asking questions like, “How long could this take to build?” so you can surmise, “How much could this cost?” A feature may solve a major user problem, and the stars may align with your client’s strategy, but if it costs too much or takes too long to build, it could be the classic case of being more trouble than it is worth. If it is, this is a perfect, “Yes, and..” moment for you and your company. The proposed feature may not be worth it at a timing or cost level, but there could be additional solutions that hit the trifecta of desirability, viability, and feasibility. 

So next time a Shiny Object comes through your door, do not just say yes. Say, “Yes, and…” and put on your research hat to talk to your experts. With Product, Commercial, and Engineering combined, you can turn those shiny objects into true innovations, just like we do here at iSeatz.

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