Since 2013, iHelpz has been dedicated to making a positive impact on the community, with a particular focus on the areas of the city that are still recovering from Hurricane Katrina and low-income and BIPOC communities. At iHelpz, we embody three core values: thoughtfulness, impact, and innovation. Our projects are centered around providing uplifting and enriching experiences for those who need it most. We focus on school campuses and parks, because we believe that every child deserves a safe, fun, and beautiful environment to learn and play in, regardless of their family's socioeconomic status. Over the past 11 years, iSeatz has contributed over 20,000 service hours and had a financial impact of over $350,000 through our twice-annual service days. iHelpz was initially the idea of an individual staff member, which demonstrates our commitment to fostering and supporting innovative ideas from all levels of our staff. Today, iHelpz has become an integral part of our company culture and continues to make a positive impact on the community.
iHelpz FALL 2023
For our most recent day of service, we partnered with HandsOn New Orleans again with the Youth Empowerment Project. To support formerly incarcerated young people as they transitioned back into their communities. This year the iSeatz team spent the day painting classrooms, fences, hallways, doors and more, as well as, installed a privacy weave in their chain link fence. iSeatz team provided over 750+ service hours which total to $80,458 impact towards YEP.

About YEP
YEP supports young individuals who have been incarcerated as they reintegrate back into their communities. They expanded their reach to include those living in poverty, not attending school or employed, and those who have experienced trauma. YEP offers mentoring, advocacy, education, employment readiness, career exploration, and enrichment programs to empower young individuals to improve their own lives and those around them.
About HandsOn New Orleans
HandsOn New Orleans promotes volunteerism and community engagement. They organize impactful service projects for organizations, including iSeatz, and connect people with meaningful volunteer opportunities. Their collaboration with YEP was the fifth successful project. HandsOn New Orleans is an invaluable resource with unparalleled insights and connections in NOLA's local communities. Visit their website for more information.
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