Travel Loyalty Meets Value: Delivering Rewards that Members Want

If you have been following our series, The Tipping Point for Travel Loyalty, you will know that value is THE driving force for loyalty program member engagement. But how do consumers define value and are loyalty programs meeting those expectations?  

In our most recent report, 2024 Loyalty Trends: The Role of Travel Loyalty Programs in the New Value Economy, the findings of which were based on twin surveys of U.S. consumers and loyalty program managers conducted in late 2023, we found that value does not just mean savings (though they are very important). Instead, for today’s consumers and loyalty program members, value means creating a richer, more customized loyalty experience that aligns with their priorities.  

Lifestyle rewards, sustainability, assurance and affordability, and personalization are all vital to building a travel loyalty program that members find valuable. While brands are in sync with their members on some elements, there are disconnects in other areas.  

Our infographic, Travel Loyalty Meets Value, breaks down some of these disconnects and provides a snapshot of consumer versus brand priorities. Click on the image below to download it, or for more insight into this year’s top loyalty trends, download the full report here.  


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